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杨智 Yang Zhi


2014年09月17日 本文来源:Modern 02 图片来源:Modern 02 作者:vivi Huang


    每当凝视一处好的风景,内心都会随瞳孔放大。好似久别重逢的故人,总想把他搬入画面,随之而来的便是对于构图、色彩、空间、造型……的运用。具备了这些只是在于景,以景写情才是作画的最终目的,“妙在似与不似之间”则是画面品格高下之分水岭。“能”“妙”“神”“逸”作为不断追求的目标。“平淡”、“冷静”、“寂静”一直牵挂于我的内心与画面。这是对当下社会浮躁的一种对抗。我相信每个中国人的心里都有一种信仰,虽不及基督、伊斯兰的繁杂与深刻。但我相信“道教”深藏于每个中国人的心里深处。道家崇尚自然,崇尚简朴田野的生活,远离城市的浮华,遁世绝俗,幽隐山林,陶性养生。但我们要生活,要工作,就必须得在孔子的积极人生观里度过, 因而只能从画里找到一点平衡与慰籍,望观者共享之。

《船·三连画之一》50CMX50CM布面油彩 2013年

    I choose oil painting of landscapes as the direction of my creativity, not only because of my love and admiration of the scenery paintings by ancient Chinese artists , but also the liberation from the bondage of ideas. It does not need to try to sort out masks for the paintings, and references do not always work. 
    When staring at good scenery, my heart as well as the pupils will be dilated, like meeting an old friend after a long period of departure, whom I always want to take into the picture. Following that is the use of composition, color, space, shape, etc. These can only be used in sketching the scenery, but the ultimate goal of painting is to express emotions out of scenery. Wonders often lie between “like” and “unlike”, as is regarded as the watershed in evaluating the character of paintings. To paint with talent, wonder, essence, freedom and enjoyment is my goal of endless pursuit. Staying plain, calm and silence is always shown in my heart and in my paintings. This is a fight against the present social blundering. I believe every Chinese has a religion in his her heart, although less complicated and profound than Christian and Islamic. Still I believe that “Taoism” is deeply rooted in the heart of every Chinese . Taoism advocates nature and plain life away from the hustle and bustle of cities , living in seclusion in remote mountains and cultivating the mind. However, we have to work and survive, and we have to live with a positive outlook guided by Confucius. Therefore, we can only find a little balance and comfort from the paintings. Thank you all for appreciation.

《三棵树》50CMX60CM布面油彩 2014年

2005年11月 油画风景作品参加“田边游戏”广州三年展之外围展 广州
2007年12月 与大中合作雕塑作品<<城市与森林的对话>>入选广东首届 当代雕塑大展 广州美术学院美术馆
2008年6 月“轻轻地我走了”(杨智油画 大中雕塑·联展) 广州
2008年6月 雕塑作品《鸟瞰人生百态》入闱2008全国高校毕业生优秀雕塑作品展 北京
2008年6月 毕业创作<<那年那月那日系列>>入选“新视觉′08/底片‘第五届全国九大美院油画专业应届毕业生优秀作品展’” 深圳何香凝美术馆
2008年9月 <<那年那月那日系列>>入围第二届“时代精神”全国油画作品展 北京
2008年9月 小洲村.COM—首届小洲村青年艺术节 广州小洲村
2008年11月 幻想的天空—广州青年艺术家联展 如意画廊 广州
2010年 5月 上海春季沙龙 上海
2011年9月 首届全国美术学院优秀油画作品展 广东美术馆
2012年9月 入读广州美术学院油画系研究生
Yang Zhi
Born in Xiangxi, Hunan Province in 1983
Studied in Shanxi University of Science and Technology from Sep. 2001 to Jun. 2004,
Studied in Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts from Sep. 2004 to Jun.
Landscape paintings participated in the qualifying match of “Field Margin Game Exhibition ” in Guangzhou in Nov. 2005.
The Dialogue of the City with the Forest has been selected to join in the Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, Academy of Fine Arts Gallery in Guangzhou in Dec. 2007.
Finished the work” Very Quietly I Take My Leave” in Guangzhou in Jun. 2008.
The sculpture work “A Bird’s Eye View of Life” has been qualified to enter the 2008 National Excellent Sculpture Exhibition of College Graduates, Beijing in Jun, 2008.
Series: the Day, the Month, the Year enrolled The “New Vision ’08 / Film’ – The 5th Session of the National Academy of Excellent Paintings exhibition of Professional Graduates ” in He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen In Jun, 2008.
Series: the Day, the Month, the Year has been shortlisted for the 2nd Annual “Time Spirit” National Oil Painting Exhibition, in Beijing in Sep. 2008,
Xiaozhou Village. COM –the 1st Xiaozhou Village Youth Art Festival in Sep. 2008.
The Sky Fantasy – Exhibition for Young Artists, Ruyi Gallery, Guangzhou in Nov. 2008.
Shanghai Spring Salon in May 2010.
The 1st National Exhibition of Oil Paintings for Academies of Fine Arts in Guangdong Museum of Art in Sep. 2011.
Studied as a post-graduate in the Department of Oil Painting , Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in Sep. 2012.