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张婧 Zhang Jing


2014年08月06日 本文来源:Modern 02 图片来源:Modern 02 作者:vivi Huang



人才是目的自身?让存在对自身说话?这样的话我实在不太明白它的含义,而我住在广州地铁4号线第四站附近,学校在8号线附近 ,曾经实习的地方靠近2号线。我从每月1号开始工作,早上9点半出门,上8号线 ,到晚上7点收工 ,上2号线 ,中途再换乘。每天就是在这样有规律的生活中度过的。我和我身边的人一样每天重复着干着一件件事,就如同机器人一般,明天会干什么,今天都知道了。所以,现在我越来越相信“人就是机器”这句话了!人活着如同机器人一般,毫无悬念和激情,就如同被他人设定了程序一样,该干什么就必须干什么,没有偶然,我感到了生活的单调和无趣。我们整日忙碌不知究竟为了什么?没有思考,没有出错,在线性的轨道中消耗着每一天,就像所有的事物都是有惯性而没有任何“阻力”,它要永远保持原有的运动状态,而且还从不会“断电”。
Talent is the purpose of their own? Let existence speak for itself? I really do not understand the meaning of these sayings, however, I live near to the fourth station of Guangzhou Metro Line 4, my school is located near Metro line 8 and my internship work place is near line 2. I start working from 1st of every month, go out at 9:30 am for metro line 8, finish my work at 7pm for metro line 2, and transfer in the halfway. I spend my life in this daily routine. Like every else around me, I repeat every day doing the same thing, just like robots, know exactly what to do tomorrow today. So now I’m increasingly believed the saying that “man is a machine”! People live like robots, without suspense and passion, just as setting some programs by others, do whatever needs to be done, no chances are allowed, I feel that life is monotonous and boring. We do not know why we keep busy every day? No thinking, no mistakes, spending every day in a linear orbit, like all things are inertial without any “resistance”, which should always keep the original state of motion, and never “turn off . “

前阵子我在网上买了一台电子宠物机,就是小时候风靡一时的“电子鸡”!记得,读小学的时候大家人手一台。上课时,老师在台上讲课,台下就会不时传来B-B-声,那是小鸡肚子饿了或者是大便了…之后,还出了什么“怪兽对打机”之类的游戏,我都没错过,那是一定要买的!如果谁没有养一只就逊掉了!与那时不同的是,现在的电子宠物都是彩色的,还增加了上网之类的功能,但我就不太会用了…所以,目前都还是用最原始的功能在养育着我的“小鸡”,但是小鸡晚上九点不到就睡了!更扯的是,小鸡七点就起床了--可我都是下午两点才起床的!所以我起床的时候,小鸡通常都已经是大便一堆外加“生病+肚子饿+生气”的状态。这让我想到NDS出的love plus游戏。love plus是一款即时恋爱游戏,游戏内的时间跟现实时间是相同的,如果跟游戏中的女友约会,约早上七点的话,早上七点没有起来开机跟她见面,她可是会生气的!很多日本宅男因为love plus这款游戏,生活作息都变正常了,这实在是太不可思议了。从小到大各种游戏、漫画和网游让我总是幻想现实的世界也能这么好玩和多姿多彩,该有多好啊!不如就把这些异想天开的想法通通放到自己的画面里,让我的画像哆啦A梦的神奇百宝袋一样,带大家进入一个奇妙、充满想像力的世界。
A while back I bought a virtual pet handheld device, which is “Tamagotchi”, being at all rage during childhood! I remember that in elementary school everybody has one. During class, the teacher was lecturing on the stage, there came the BB-sound from time to time, which is the sound of hungry chicks or after stool … Later, “monster rally device” kind of game boy came out, I did not miss, it was a must buy! Anybody who did not keep a virtual pet would be embarrassed! What’s different from then, the electronic pet now are colorful, which also added some features like the Internet, but I am not used to using it … So, currently I still using the most primitive function in raising my “chick” but my chick sleeps before nine at night and what’s more terrible, it gets up at seven in the morning – but I don’t get up until two in the afternoon! So when I get up, my chick usually has a bunch of stool plus the state of “sick + hungry + angry”. This reminds me of the love plus game produced by NDS. love plus is an instant love game, the game time is the same as the real time, if dating the girlfriend in the game at seven in the morning, she would be angry if you do not turn up to meet her at seven in the morning! Because of love plus game, many Japanese otaku have changed into normal lifestyle, which is really incredible. Since I was a little girl, all kinds of games, comics and online games always make me imagine that it would be wonderful if the real world can also be so fun and colorful! What about putting all these whimsical ideas into my own paintings, let my pictures like Doraemon’s treasure bag, bring you into a wonderful world full of imagination.

我一般穿黑色外套 ,灰色T恤 ,牛仔裤,背灰色单肩包 ,还有我每天都带着耳机 ,白色头戴式的,其他没什么特点了 ,我就是这样一个很普通的人。这就是我的生活,平淡、简单,像白开水一样,我极力地维持着这样一种状态,喜欢可爱且单纯的东西,也尽力想做个单纯的人,我不想把那些过于复杂的一切留在我的生活中,所以我选择把它们放到我的画里去。小时候,爸爸送我去少年宫学画画,一支中华铅笔,一块橡皮,一叠白纸随便怎么涂都行,我想这也是我现在作品选择用铅笔在白色画布上作画的很大一个原因,我很怀念小时候画画时单纯的想法与过程,我想越是原始简单的工具越能让作品干净一些,去掉那些缤纷色彩下的嘲杂、诱惑和欲望,我希望自己的画能单纯一点,就像我喜欢静静地发呆一样。过滤掉色彩、技法,一切表面的,可有可无的东西。用铅笔,这种最简单的工具去传达,每一张画的开始都是一个讲述自我的开始。就这样,我力图回归到最简单的材料,回归到最原始的叙述文本,回归到自己最开始出发的地方 。
A while back I bought a virtual pet handheld device, which is “Tamagotchi”, being at all rage during childhood! I remember that in elementary school everybody has one. During class, the teacher was lecturing on the stage, there came the BB-sound from time to time, which is the sound of hungry chicks or after stool … Later, “monster rally device” kind of game boy came out, I did not miss, it was a must buy! Anybody who did not keep a virtual pet would be embarrassed! What’s different from then, the electronic pet now are colorful, which also added some features like the Internet, but I am not used to using it … So, currently I still using the most primitive function in raising my “chick” but my chick sleeps before nine at night and what’s more terrible, it gets up at seven in the morning – but I don’t get up until two in the afternoon! So when I get up, my chick usually has a bunch of stool plus the state of “sick + hungry + angry”. This reminds me of the love plus game produced by NDS. love plus is an instant love game, the game time is the same as the real time, if dating the girlfriend in the game at seven in the morning, she would be angry if you do not turn up to meet her at seven in the morning! Because of love plus game, many Japanese otaku have changed into normal lifestyle, which is really incredible. Since I was a little girl, all kinds of games, comics and online games always make me imagine that it would be wonderful if the real world can also be so fun and colorful! What about putting all these whimsical ideas into my own paintings, let my pictures like Doraemon’s treasure bag, bring you into a wonderful world full of imagination.












A while back I bought a virtual pet handheld device, which is “Tamagotchi”, being at all rage during childhood! I remember that in elementary school everybody has one. During class, the teacher was lecturing on the stage, there came the BB-sound from time to time, which is the sound of hungry chicks or after stool … Later, “monster rally device” kind of game boy came out, I did not miss, it was a must buy! Anybody who did not keep a virtual pet would be embarrassed! What’s different from then, the electronic pet now are colorful, which also added some features like the Internet, but I am not used to using it … So, currently I still using the most primitive function in raising my “chick” but my chick sleeps before nine at night and what’s more terrible, it gets up at seven in the morning – but I don’t get up until two in the afternoon! So when I get up, my chick usually has a bunch of stool plus the state of “sick + hungry + angry”. This reminds me of the love plus game produced by NDS. love plus is an instant love game, the game time is the same as the real time, if dating the girlfriend in the game at seven in the morning, she would be angry if you do not turn up to meet her at seven in the morning! Because of love plus game, many Japanese otaku have changed into normal lifestyle, which is really incredible. Since I was a little girl, all kinds of games, comics and online games always make me imagine that it would be wonderful if the real world can also be so fun and colorful! What about putting all these whimsical ideas into my own paintings, let my pictures like Doraemon’s treasure bag, bring you into a wonderful world full of imagination.

时间,这一切的一切,表面伪装的冷漠和无情,只不过是另一种强烈的表现形式。时间总是这么无情地将我们美好的回忆吞噬,那些回忆的印记,是否会带着遗憾继续?那些淡淡的悲伤,一切都悄无声息,一切都是寂静的,似乎什么都没发生。每个人都曾无数次的仰望星空,神往浩瀚星河,并在这种仰望中寻找属于自己的天空,而某些人的生命一定是以理想主义的方式去呈现的,以执着与倔强的方式去诠释。而我从来不敢说自己是执着的,也不是理想主义的,而作为学艺术的,或从事艺术的,我想我永远也讲不出“我就是为艺术而生”此类的话 。面对许多的冷嘲热讽,虽然我觉得自己成事不足败事有余 ,但我并未身披戎装,手持长剑,我被极大的文化、思维以及语言上的反差攻击到无力坚持。在这个五彩缤纷的世界里,我是这样一个渺小的存在,“陷入墨水一般浓稠的黑暗里去”。我不知所措、无从下手的时候,我只能选择沉默和不语来抗击这一切。我相信世界上一定有我爱的一切,因为我的画就是我的一切。我穿越自己画中的那个世界里的汹涌着的人群,当我一一的走过他们,“这里有怀着满腔的热,和目光里沉甸甸的感动”。
When I was a child, I like to put out all my favorite items one by one neatly placed to show to myself or others. This is my original memory about “display”. I admit that I spend more time on recollecting the memories of past times than longing for the future; perhaps it is due to my character I draw the current paintings. At the moment I believe that imagination is more important than knowledge. My painting is a kind of “display” game, it definitely cannot be completed by blindness, chance, random. They are episodes of story, combined together consciously or unconsciously. In each painting, there is a time sequence. The size of the characters is decided by the importance, everything is not accidental.

我们现在所处的时代,不过很可能,它也经历着某种变异,就像在我的铅笔描绘的画里,暗示着某种距离,那种支配性的、令人心醉神迷的距离,远离我们的现实,却又惊人的相似和相近。孤独无望的小人物在荒诞世界上的坚持与挣扎,他们看似有目标,实际没有终极的目标。似乎整日忙忙碌碌 ,却一事无成。这些怪模怪样的,大大小小的人和肢体,这些复杂凌乱的场景只说明了一个问题,就是这个荒诞的世界还要这么不断坚持下去。这就是我的生活,这生活有如我的作品。我就生活在自己的作品和世界之中。它就像是某种定律,用以描述特定情况下的现实世界。两年来,我在自己的作品中不断地探讨惯性、定律以及陈列这几个问题。渐渐地我越来越专注于自己的世界,我的生活不得不沿着惯性在滑行,就像在绝对光滑的物体上滑动而无法停止。在画中,世界的一切物体都应该保持某种状态的惯性和它被动的陈列的方式。这好像是注定的一切,不按它们自己的意志而生成,这就是定律。这就像我的作品《Fnet=000000》所展现的那样。
The era we now live in, maybe, is also experiencing some sort of variation, just like some kind of distance, the kind of dominant, ecstatic distance depicted in my pencil paintings, away from our reality, but surprisingly similar and near. Lonely and hopeless little persons insist and struggle in the absurd world, it seems they have a goal, but actually not the ultimate goal. They seems busy all day, but achieve nothing. These grotesque, large or small people and limbs, these complex messy scenes only imply one problem that is this absurd world should be so constantly persevere. This is my life, this life likes my works. I live in my own works and world. It’s like some kind of law to describe the real world in specific situations. For two years, I have continually explored inertia, laws and display these few questions in my own works. Gradually I focused more and more on my own world, my life has to glide along in the power of inertia, as if sliding on the absolutely smooth object and cannot stop. In the painting, all the objects in the world should remain in a state of inertia and its passive display approach. This seems to be destined for all, which do not follow the will of their own generation, and this is the law. It is showed in my work “Fnet = 000000″.















2013年 “模拟人生”——张婧个展,优上艺术空间,上海

2011年 “独立宣言:2011年度提名展”,今日美术馆,北京
2011年 “你/Ta/我——2011YTA网络大展”,可雅当代KOCA,上海
2011年 “控白——也是一种生活的态度”,一三一二空间,广州
2011年 “2011年度Creative M50 创意新锐评选”获奖作品展,M50,上海
2012年 “小完美”作品展,大德堂,上海
2012年 “击鼓穿花”传递展, 上海,北京,广州,杭州
2012年 “野生视觉——广州青年当代艺术家专题展”,53美术馆,广州
2013年 “2012年度Creative M50 创意新锐评选”获奖作品展,M50,上海
2013年 “定格:21个‘瞬间’”——2013年青年艺术家邀请展,南美术馆,广州
2013年 “时代的关键词”——当代艺术中的9个个案,香瓜侠公社,上海
2013年 “FINDART发现艺术节艺术大展”温州创意园,温州
2014年 “光芒”——当代艺术作品展,优上艺术空间,上海
2014年 “下一站,广州”——广州当代艺术作品展,广州美术学院大学城美术馆,广州
2014年 “三界外”——绘画作品展,5艺术中心,北京
2014年 “旋构塔”——中国青年艺术家推介展,北京时代美术馆,北京

Zhang Jing
1986 born in Changsha, Hunan
2011 graduated from the oil painting department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts
2012 studied at the oil painting department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts as a postgraduate student

Solo Exhibition
2013 “The Sims ” – Zhang Jing Solo Exhibition,Upto Art,Shanghai

2011 “Declaration of Independence: 2011 Annual Nomination Exhibition”, Today Art Museum, Beijing

2011 “You / Ta / I – 2011 YTA Online Exhibition”, KOCA, Shanghai
2011 “Controlling Simple – is also an Attitude towards Life” 1312 Art Space, Guangzhou
2011 “2011 Annual Creative M50 Creative Cutting-edge Works Selection” Award-winning Works Exhibition, M50, Shanghai

2012 “Small Perfect” Exhibition, Dade Museum, Shanghai
2012 “Drumbeat Passing Flower” Passing Exhibition, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou
2012 “Wild Vision – Guangzhou Contemporary Young Artist Thematic Exhibition” 53 Art Museum, Guangzhou

2013 “2012 Annual Creative M50 Creative Cutting-edge Works Selection” Award-winning Works Exhibition, M50, Shanghai

2013 “Freeze: 21 ‘moments’” 2013 Young Artist Exhibition, South Gallery, Guangzhou
2013 “Keywords of Era” – Nine Cases in Contemporary Art, Cantaloupe Swordsman Commune, Shanghai

2014 “Ray of Light “Contemporary Art Exhibition,Upto Art,Shanghai
2014 “The Next Station GuangZhou” Guangzhou Contemporary Art Exhibition, Ucity Art Museum of GAFA, Guangzhou

2014 “Beyond three worlds” Exhibition, 5 Arts Center,Beijing
2014 “UP-YOUTH” China Young Artists Exhibition, TIMES ART MUSEUM, Beijing