There were so many times when I stopped and observed such scenes as the angle of inclination of the sand piled in the corner of wall, the relationship between the roof and the wall space, the inclination degree of the perspective to watch the scenery from the high-speed rail, the implications of the women’s skirt drapes, the different ways to express intimacy between men and woman and men and men and etc. And I would focus on, magnify and record what I was interested in. That’s why I like sketching and drawing manuscript draft. And it is just those neurotic germs that accumulate to be the vitamins for my creation.
Master Che Jianquan once asked me: “Your drawings were internally-oriented but externally-sensitive. Did such a kind of sensitiveness instantly recorded by the manuscript release the pressure brought to you by the sensitiveness or strengthen your entanglement? ” As far as I’m concerned, it is used to stretch sentiment. Whenever my heartstrings are stricken or stirred, I must respond to them by the simplest and the most original way to make myself feel at ease. Recalling many creations, I believe doubt and questions are the necessary continuation of internalization to both the viewers and myself. When some uncertain expressions (the fuzziness and unreality in my images are more of the proof of the questioning and spying. Ambiguity is not a state to evade but a state of not wanting to be finally concluded or defined.) turn into certainty, then they mean the questions are also posed to the public. If I could inspire the viewers to pick up different feelings, then it is just the intersection of the other’s experience and memory.
Retrospect on the occurrence once again and then introspection on the correlation between it and myself are ways to turn the time as the experience into the time of body; meanwhile, such a time jointly constructs the relationship between the experience and the reality. Displacement caused in the course of joint construction could again generate the confrontation or the mutual complementary between “truth” and “falsehood”, “the right” and “the wrong” and “the present” and “the absent”, which more or less is like taking pills when ill and it does work.
2007年 《本相》展览 广州 大学城美术馆
2009年 第十一届全国美展“庆祝中华人民共和国成立六 十周年”广东省展 广州 广东艺博院
2010年 第四届广东当代油画艺术展 广州 广东美术馆
2011年 “漂泊”联展 深圳
2011年 大学生自荐展 广州 大学城美术馆
2012年 《当代精神的现实反映》广美油画系第二工作室师生作品展,广州美术学院美术馆
2013年 作品入选“游与艺”今日美术馆第八届艺术院校大学生年度提名展 ,今日美术馆
2014年 《律动》湖南省女艺术家群展 长沙
2014年 第五届广东当代油画艺术展 广州 广东美术馆
2014年 《异质同构》女艺术家联展 广州 如意画廊
2014年 《以梦为马–青年艺术家16面体》 广州岭 南艺术实验空间